Thursday, April 24, 2014

Generation selfie

What do you think of when you hear the word selfie? The "#selfie" song? A girl in a bathroom mirror? What about that guy who is holding up the green light because he was too busy snapping a picture? If you are breathing on Earth in this modern age, you know what selfie is and you know that you have taken at least a couple thousand in your lifetime. As for myself? Guilty as charged.

The selfie has become so ingrained in our generation that they have named us after it. Generation selfie is what we will be known as in history books and in the mocking voices of the next generation, but who is complaining? Not me, and I'll tell you why....

"But first, let me take a selfie."

Let us face it - just like abbreviating long words and hashtagging everything on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, we love pictures. We are the first generation in a world where information and online documentation is constantly at our fingertips, so obviously we are taking full advantage. No more diaries, we have a blog. No more photo albums, that is what Instagram is for. No more board games, we have an app. Now, we have heard politicians, parents, and teachers complain about this for hours, but if you really think about it, apps and selfies can be a good thing.

Our generation is definitely all for figuring things out for ourselves. I mean, how many of your parents can work their Iphone? Who taught us how use Siri? We did it ourselves. The selfie, is a defining part of our generation because as CNN Crossfires S.E Cupp said, "We can take our own picture better than anyone in the history of time." Who can work a camera phone and filter options better than the generation it was created by and geared towards? We can!

Now, while we are talking about being so great at taking selfies, we must also recognize how selfies can backfire. Body image issues and cyber bullying are something that are becoming prevalent in our generation as well. So with all the hate and judgement floating around in our society why selfie-shame? A selfie is a good thing. It is our thing. Selfies can boost confidence and preserve memories. As an added plus, I like taking selfies. It's fun! Why do we, as a generation, still have those who want to police other peoples' lives so much that they selfie-shame? Calm down! It is just a picture!

If someone is giving you grief over a selfie, tell them to take a long walk on a freeway. Why? Because as a member of generation selfie, you have the right to take a selfie. If you are selfie-shaming or one of those people who are "too cool" for social media and taking part in trends (way to go, you hipster you) just go listen to your vinyl records or return to the rock you live under. Really, generation selfie doesn't want to hear it!

I'm proud to be a member of generation selfie. You should be too. 

Inspired by this video blog on CNN Crossfire.