Every seventh grader is told: "You better watch out! Those seniors will stuff you in a locker! You won't last a day in high school!" But, do these common statements hold any real truth? Most eighth graders have no clue what's in store for them until they are actually put into high school. As an eighth grader you have to transition from a classroom style where everything is laid out for you to one where you must be mainly self sufficient. Most eighth graders will have to try to do this quite quickly to try to keep their grade averages up. I recently interviewed several of our eighth grade students and my personal favorite eighth grade reading teacher: David LoBiondo. All of the students had very interesting comments about their experiences so far as eighth graders and the huge transition that has to be made when coming into high school.
Personally, as an eighth grader, I had a tough time transitioning from the seventh grade to the high school. I struggled with writing essays quite a bit because I had never written one. I also had trouble with having an extra fourth class, different from three classes at the elementary school. Both of these things got easier with time and help from the teachers. My advice for eighth graders would be to keep an open mind to all of these changes and to put your best foot forward.