Around this time of year, most seniors are considering going off to college. In college, would it not be nice to have extra cash or to go to college
on scholarships?
There is a very helpful website called FastWeb, which can help you to achieve this goal. This website can help you with scholarship matches, college resources, financial
aid tips and internship opportunities. This is an any time opportunity but do not wait until shortly before or after graduation. Here is what you do to get started:
- Go to
- Create a profile.
- Fill out your own profile so it will be personalized for scholarship match ups.
- Stay up to date on your email for news on new and due scholarships.
- Login in to FastWeb and apply for all scholarship matches.
- Use your scholarship match ups on dashboard to keep track of all your applications.
Another scholarship that is
available is the 2015 Horatio Alger Scholarship. The required criteria is:
- Be a full time enrolled senior student in the United States.
- Graduate in the year 2015 in the United States.
- Attend college the following fall after graduation.
- Maintain a GPA of 2.0.
- Display integrity and perseverance and be involved with community service activities.
If anyone has questions or is looking for more information contact Mrs. Davis in guidance. She can be reached at 276-679-2554.