John I. Burton won $25,000 from competing in this event. On Monday, December 1 during Burton's activity period, there was an assembly to celebrate this exciting occasion. Burton won $25,000 because we placed in the top 100 in the nation, meaning we had a large number of safe driving commitments. Our school had some special guest speakers and students during this time. The special guest speakers were Virginia Senator Bill Carrico; Nick McDavid, a representative from US Congressman Griffith's office; and Virginia Delegate Terry Kilgore. Student representatives from each grade level were also selected to participate in this assembly and to accept this huge check from State Farm. The students who participated in this program were Conner W., Tyree B., Jaycee B., Torie A., Jon B., and Eryk N.
A big thanks goes out to Mrs. Carter, a science teacher at Burton, who initiated our participation in this competition. Burton has hopes of winning again next year! Remember, keep two eyes on the road and two hands on the wheel!