Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Nicholas Sparks, a library phenomenon!

The new librarian at John I. Burton High School, Mrs.Poteet, immediately realized that the Burton library is quite masculine. One day, while she was sitting in the library helping students check out books, a student came up to her and asked for a Nicholas Sparks book. She helpfully replied, "Look in the fiction section under SPA ." The student came back with a gloomy look on her face and told Mrs. Poteet that  there was not a single Nicholas Sparks book in the library. Mrs. Poteet knew that this had to change, as the number one selling romance author did not have a presence in the library.

Soon after the student left the library, Mrs.Poteet ordered all of the Nicholas Sparks books that she could find. The books that were ordered included: "The Best of Me," "Guardian," "The Longest Ride," "Message in a Bottle,""The Notebook," "Rescue," "Safe Haven," "True Believer," "A Walk to Remember," and "The Wedding." The majority of these books have won silver medals and have been adapted into film.

This author has truly changed the way people view romance novels. Nicholas Sparks is passionate about his books and the way he writes them. According to the acknowledgements in the opening of his novel "The Longest Ride," he gets his inspiration from Cathy, his lovely wife. He bases all of his female characters off of her. All of his feminine characters remind him of the times he has spent with her, or something she has done that he admired.

The day that these books came in, seven books were checked out immediately. When reading these books, many young teens were left astonished. The stories he writes are relatable to real life situations. He writes in a way that touches one's emotional side.  If anyone is interested in these novels, they are available in the John I. Burton Library.

Written by : Kira Sturgill