November 11th is a special day for all Americans, it is Veterans' Day. This holiday's main purpose is to reserve a day for which U.S citizens may thank veterans. John I. Burton held a ceremony for this special day, which coincided with the school's clock tower re-dedication.
The ceremony was from 10:00 to 11:00, on Wednesday November 11. Two students, Eric F. and Caleb W. were put in charge of signing in guests at the high school's doors.
At the beginning of the ceremony the VFW Honor Guard did the posting of colors, then the audience stood and sung the "Pledge of Allegiance." After the pledge was said, Burton student, Jazlyn A. did the welcoming speech, and then delegate Terry Kilgore spoke the remarks.
After all the introductions had been made, NEMS's chorus sang two songs, which included "God Bless America" and "Thank A Vet." When the chorus was finished, Robert B., a senior at JIB, did a speech for the recognition of veterans, and he conducted the moment of silence.
JIBs' band played " Service Songs Medley" after the moment of silence. Then, Evan W., introduced the main speaker of this event, lieutenant colonel and small business owner, Mark Caruso. After Mark's speech, the VFW Honor Guard proceeded to do the retiring of colors and JIBs' band played the song "Stars and Stripes Forever."
After the ceremony for the veterans, the SCA (student council association) along with veterans and family members of the veterans were invited outside for the rededication of the clock tower. The tower is located outside of JIB. The clock tower has not worked for decades, so recently Dr. Keith Perrigan along with city council members, decided to restore and rededicate the clock tower. The original dedication was held in 1958 to honor JIB students who served in wars. A plaque was added near the clock tower, to describe the purpose of the tower.
Written by: Madi C.