Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cubes in Space

Mrs. Carter has been working to advertise one of NASA's competitive experiments, which she hopes to get Burton students involved in. If you enjoy problem solving, space, or science, and  want to design your own experiment for spaceflight, then this program is for you. The program's name is Cubes in Space. Every participant will be required to spend time outside of the regular classroom with Mrs. Carter and other participants. The participants will meet before or after school to discuss the program and begin to brainstorm and design an experiment. The participants must be able to work in a team environment and be able to cooperate with others. 

The program is allowing over 100 experiments to be integrated into NASA's RaD-X mission. The scientific balloon will be launched from NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility location in Fort Sumner. The experiments are to fit in a in a four centimeter cubed box.

NASA will be tracking and recovering the scientific experiments. All of the experiments will be sent to other NASA facilities and universities.  The program provides the service of launching large, unmanned, high altitude research balloons into the Earth's atmosphere. I strongly advise anybody that enjoys science to join in this program.