Wednesday, December 14, 2016

"Pasadena:" The truth behind Maggie's death

It is the summer before senior year and Jude is trying to enjoy some time with her cousins who live on the east coast. Jude has lived in Pasadena, California since her mother and father separated. One day, not long after arriving at her cousins, she gets a phone call. The heartbreaking call reveals that her best friend, Maggie, is dead.

Jude and Maggie had been best friends for years. They told each other everything, even their deepest secrets, or that's what Jude believed anyways. After getting the news of Maggie's death, Jude immediately repacks her belongings and gets on a plane to go back to Pasadena. When she arrives, she finds out that Maggie drowned in her family swimming pool and had traces of drugs in her system the night she died. Maggie's friends and family all think that it was an accident or suicide but Jude does not think so. She thinks that Maggie was killed and is determined to find out who committed the crime.

Was Jude right about Maggie being murdered? Does she ever find out who did it or does she realize that it was never a murder in the first place? To find out, check out the book "Pasadena" written by Sherri L. Smith from the John I. Burton library!

Written by: Tiffany A.