Ultimately, it is important for John I. Burton to have more dances throughout the year, so students can come together more frequently to enjoy the time they have together. Schools should focus on learning, but high schools also need to be enjoyable, for students: it is a one time experience. Let it be applauded that John I. Burton is attempting to have another dance this year.
For this event, students can dress up in their favorite Halloween costumes - as long as they are school appropriate. There will be a costume contests, where students can win prizes.
This event is sure to be memorable for all the students and teachers. Planning for it, decorating for it, and then going to the dance will create a positive environment for everyone in this school. It would be also be ideal, if we could have a fall festival during school hours on the same day. The students here at John I. Burton need more opportunities to be involved in positive experiences with each other. Hopefully, this will be considered at John I. Burton. Burton's Blog encourages everyone to sign up for the Halloween dance!
Written by: Kim H.