This event was especially significant to student Corey B., who was recently elected Chaplin for FCS. A Chaplin is someone who says prayer for an organization or assembly. Mrs. Field's offered Corey B. the opportunity to lead prayer during this special event, and he enthusiastically accepted. Mrs. Fields has high expectations for Corey B. She said "Corey B. is very dedicated and had the strength to pray in front of his fellow classmates. I had no doubt in my mind that he could do it because I know what he is capable of and I think he did a marvelous job with his prayer." She hopes that he will remain Chaplin while he finishes his high school career here at John I. Burton.
The FCS sponsors hoped for an increase in student participation in this event. Mrs. Fields commented that she was "hoping for a lot of students this year compared to what our attendance was last year." This has been one of the most successful Prayer at the Pole meetings at John I. Burton yet. Be sure to join the FCS in the library every Wednesday during both lunches to help build the pathway to Christ.
Written by: Austin Q.