Wednesday, August 27, 2014

JIB has a new scientist in the lab

During the summer we had two science teachers leave, Mrs. Reed and Coach Pierson. Our school has since filled the openings that were left. Mr. Williams has taken the place of Mrs. Reed and will be teaching 8th grade science and forensic science.

Mr. Williams became a teacher in 2000 at Holston High School in Virginia. He started to teach, so he could be a coach. When I asked him if he enjoyed teaching, his response was, "I love teaching." He was a football coach at Emory and Henry, for 3 years. He also coached high school football for 12 years and high school track and field for 11 years. Culpepper High School was the last high school he worked at.

Mr. Williams has worked for 5 different school systems. However, he says that Burton was his first choice.  He has loved his Burton experience so far, and loves the students he has met.  He is very pleased that Dr. Perrigan encouraged him to apply for this position. We wish Mr. Williams the best of luck as the school year continues!