Thursday, October 15, 2015

Make up, make up, make up! What is a teenage girl without her make up?

Recently, senior,Vallen E. provided Burton's Blog with a makeup tutorial, as part of a recent focus on student features.  In this video, Vallen shows how she does her ordinary everyday makeup for school.  Vallen is very good at doing very simple every day make up without looking extremely overdone. Vallen explained how she uses her makeup, what she uses, and how to use it properly. Make up is used by many teenage girls and even some boys; it brings out natural, already beautiful, features.

Although Vallen tells her specific brand, she clarified that you can use whatever brand you feel comfortable with.

She began by using her foundation. (She told me that users can use foundation primer if wanted/needed to make it stay a little longer.) She continued by using concealer, a type of makeup used to cover acne or blemishes.  Next, she used bronzer near her cheek bones; it highlights and contours the face, as well as resembles a sun tan.  Then she uses a highlighter, not shown on video, which basically reflects light under the eyes and makes skin glow, so to speak. Finally to finish her simple, yet beautiful look, she adds mascara and lip gloss.

Written and recorded by: Mazzy