Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blanket or no?

Changes in clothing choices are mostly due to weather. A few changes have been made to accommodate the winter months, such as switching classic t shirts with over-sized sweaters and thin throw overs with big jackets. Here at Burton, one fashion statement that has stood out the most is that students are now bringing blankets with them and keeping them on throughout the school day.

Opinions vary about this subject among the staff and students. Although there are no rules in the dress code stating that blankets are not allowed, there are several students that bring and use one daily. Some members of the staff feel like the blankets give students more flexibility and make them feel as if they have permission to go to sleep during class.

Burton student Raven V.,a firm blanket user, stated that she brings a blanket to school due to the fact that she is always cold; it also makes her feel safe and comfortable. Devon W. does not bring a blanket to school. He stated that the reason he does not bring one is because he does not have one. His opinion on the subject is that it is weird to bring a blanket to school.

Although there are no rules for blankets at school, many fear that the students will use blankets to items that may get them in trouble in class, like cell phones. In conclusion, opinions on the use of blankets differ and, as long as the blanket is not used for sleep or to hide things, then it is not a problem to bring one to school.

Written by: Madison Cardon