Wednesday, December 2, 2015

SOL test preparation

Students at John I. Burton High School are preparing for their SOL(Standards Of Learning) tests as the semester comes to an end. SOL tests are administered by the state to determine a student's knowledge of a given course. The teachers at John I. Burton are also trying their best to prepare students for their SOL tests.

Mr. Fultz, a teacher at John I. Burton, uses a combination of IXL Math and Interactive Achievement to evaluate his students. Then he uses classwork to make improvements to help prepare his students. Many students have their own methods of preparation. Makenna K. says that she makes sure to attend class as much as she can. Tori F. makes sure that she pays close attention to her teachers. Josh S. says that he uses short term memory to help with his SOL tests.

Mr. Fultz and the students also offered suggestions for all students to prepare for these tests. Mr. Fultz suggests that students ask for help in class and that they should practice often. Tori says that eating a large breakfast before the test may help. She also says that students that are struggling should attend tutoring. Josh suggests that students study in preparation for the test. Matthew M. suggests that students try their best during the test. Good Luck Students!

Written By: Dustin Pilkenton