Thursday, October 6, 2016

Fall is in the air

Everyone at John I. Burton knows
Because the weather is starting to show;
With leaves changing 
And few daylight hours remaining 
Summer tans are fading
Winter is almost near
Clowns are out spreading fear
Fall is definitely here.

Mrs. Poteet pulls boots and scarves out of the closet
While corn mazes are making a profit.
Colors fill the scenery,
With golden orange taking over the greenery
The smell of fall is in the wind
With pumpkin and spice blowing in
Ben H. knows it is true,
Things seem scarier with the word boo.

Haunted houses come to the area
Which throws people into hysteria
It is time to give thanks
and get out your rakes.

Football fans fill the stands
While Coach Adams calls commands
Scarecrows stand guard
over the crops in the farmyard. 

The smell of pumpkin is all around
Najee S rakes the leaves on the ground
Days are shorter.
Mazzy T. cheers every quarter
It is that time of year
Yes, indeed, fall is here. 

Written by: Haley Q. and Haley H.