Thursday, November 5, 2015

"Dark of the Moon" performers win acting awards

Recently, JIB students Conner Wharton and Samuel Shortt performed in a play called, "Dark of the Moon" directed by Ms. Lisa Davis.  The practices for this play started in September and went into October, which is when the play was actually performed. In "Dark of the Moon," Conner Wharton played a witch that fantasized over John the Witch Boy, who was played by Samuel Shortt. The play was about John the Witch Boy falling in love with a human and wishing to become one for her sake. He contacts a person known as the Conjure Woman, played by Stacy Welch, to request that she make him a human. If you wish to see the full play, it is available on the Burton's Blog and is available on the blog's YouTube channel. If you wish to go straight to the video click here.

Burton utilized this play to compete in our district's One Act competition against Castlewood, Eastside, Rye Cove, Thomas Walker, and Twin Springs. As a result of the contest, Conner and Sam both won the Supporting Actor and Actress Awards. Conner felt very honored to have won this award. Sam, however, stated that he was very surprised to receive this acknowledgement. Both of them hope to win more awards in the future. Sam added that he wishes to improve in projection, being more literate with classic rights, scene study, and aesthetics.

When asked if they disliked anything about the play, Connor said she did not have any dislikes. Sam, however, said that he did not like that the play was confined to 35 minutes. They both, however, liked the play that was composed. Sam will be performing in another play this semester. Conner may or may not be involved with it. The play is entitled, "A Christmas Carol." Sam will be in the play, but said that he may not play a major role in it. The play will only be a school performance, so the actors will not be competing against other schools.

Conner added that the One Act team will be travelling to Staunton, VA in February to a place called the "American Shakespeare Center Blackfriars Playhouse," which is where many of Shakespeare's dramas are performed.  She is looking forward to this event and stated that One Act members will soon be fundraising in order to raise money for this trip.

This was Conner's first year in One Act and she seemed to enjoy it quite well. They both did very well in the play and both are looking forward to forensic season. They both continue to strive to improve their acting skills, but both of them still want to focus on having fun with acting, which they feel is essential.  Congratulations Sam and Conner!

Written by: Jailen Bailey