Monday, November 2, 2015

Driver's education at Burton and driving distractions

Donna Morris from John I. Burton High School teaches Driver's Education. Coach Brandon Stidham is the head of the program. The program is only available to 10th graders and up. Students must have their Learner's Permit for at least 9 months, have at least 20/40 vision, complete the classroom portion, and have driven for 20 hours to obtain their license. Students receive a temporary license from the school and receive the actual one in the mail.

Mrs. Morris primarily focuses on teaching defensive driving in her driver's education class. In defensive driving, the driver must be very cautious of their surroundings and be very careful. In driving, a great defense can be what saves one's life and the lives of others. The dangers of driving are increasing due to a variety of factors.Texting is currently a huge problem in the United States. Many wrecks are also being caused by people consuming drugs and alcohol.

Teens are at the greatest risk of wrecking right now. Many of them text while driving and may consume drugs or alcohol due to peer pressure. Mrs. Morris is worried about the rise in texting and consumption of alcohol. She recommends an app by AT&T that texts friends to tell them that the owner is busy. Texting is believed to be one of the greatest distractions in driving.