Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dasanye the dancer!

 John I. Burton high school has an abundance of artistry in its students.  Student interests vary in many different categories. One student attending this high school has an amazing talent that has thus far gone unnoticed. This student goes by the name Dasanye Smith. Thirteen year old Dasanye is a former dancer and cheerleader. She has been dancing for six years to all different types of genres, such as ballet, hip-hop, and tango. Dasanye has danced with partners, but says that most of her dancing is done individually. While she has only  taken actual constructive dance classes  for one year at Stepz, a school for dance, she realized that her passion was in creating moves of her own.

Dasanye believes that dancing is a way to escape the real world and a form of self expression. She gets her inspiration from her cousin,Shamiyeh, who has  the courage and confidence that Destiny wishes to emulate; Dasanye says she is her inspiration for being the best person and dancer she can be.

In the future, she would like to go to college to manage her own dance studio. Dance can appear to be all fun and games, but there is a tremendous amount of hard work put in throughout each step of the choreography process. Finally, Dasanye's advice for anyone who wants to be a dancer is, "work hard and stay determined. It will always work out in the end!"