Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Book Club: Read all about it!

Yesterday, Tuesday, February 4, marked the start of the first book club meeting! The club is lead by Mrs. Brooke Bias and Mrs. Jennifer Reed.  Members meet once a month to discuss a novel that they have read in the past month -- members get to select their own novel, but it must be on a high school or college level. The Book Club's current membership is at 12. Members are: Heather C., Olivia D., Madison F., Sopie P., Charisma H., Nikki M. Alexus R., Austin S., Megan S., Ashley S., Kierstien S., and Alexis S.

The most popular areas of discussion were: The "Divergent" series,"The Fault in Our Stars," and "Flowers in the Attic".

The club is currently making plans to visit a large bookstore in Knoxville, Tennessee during the month of May.  They also plan to visit the movie theater to see "Divergent."