Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Are you overworked?

Ask yourself this question: "Am I overworked?" If your answer is, "No, I just want to be a part of cheer leading, swim team, football, volleyball, volunteering at the vet, reading to the blind, and working at the library. I'm not overworked!" Then, you are probably overworked. Face it, you probably get close to 4 hours of sleep a night and that is just on the weekends! 

When teens get overworked, their brains send signals telling them to fall asleep more often, and sometimes at the worst times, like in class or behind the wheel. Most teens think they can chase it away with coffee or energy drinks, but that is not the case. Overworking yourself can lead to exhaustion, depression, grade reduction, and social depletion. Make sure to get as much sleep as possible, have fun when you need to, and study when you have to. Here are some ideas if you want to know how to get back on track and still have time to do your homework!
  • Try setting up a calendar, so you know what events you'll be participating in ahead of time. 
  • Create an hourly schedule for your afternoons: You can have time to do your homework, do your chores, maybe play that video game you have been wanting to play for months, and still have time to get some sleep!
  • Try some yoga exercises: You will be relaxed, it is good stress relief, and you will be flexible for gym class! Nobody likes a leg cramp! Ouch!
  • Get organized! Being organized saves time.  Have a specific notebook for each subject!
  • Create a daily check list for what you need to complete -- you wouldn't want to forget that essay for Honors English, now would you?

Hope you found these ideas and suggestions helpful! 
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