Friday, September 19, 2014

Dealing with internet stalking

I am sure we all surf the internet from time to time. Some of us for music, some for shopping, and some for research.  However, some have a much darker purpose when they go to the web: stalking. Now that I have your attention, here is my experience with internet stalkers.
A few years ago, I had just started my internet career as a video creator on YouTube. I was getting tired of watching other people make videos, so I decided to make my own video. I felt so nervous and excited at the same time. I had never made a video before, so I had no idea what to make the video about. I decided on a singing video, and soon afterwards came the hate comments. Then one day, someone wrote a comment saying how pretty I was. I thought nothing of it at the time, so I just replied with a simple thanks.

Then, everyday, he was writing overly zealous comments; he continued to say how pretty I was and requested pictures of me at the pool.  This type of commentary began to make me feel uncomfortable, especially because it continued over a long period of time.  I then showed my mother, and she told me to tell him to leave me alone. I did not know why, but I did it as I was told. He continued writing me messages, asking me to run away with him. He told me that if I went with him, he would let me do whatever I wanted. I felt scared, so I showed my mother the messages again, and she told me to threaten to report him to the police. We did actually called the police, but they said that they could not do anything because of where they do not have his name.  Plus, he was not from Virginia. After we contacted the police, he stopped talking to me anyway.

So if this ever happens to you, do not be afraid to tell a responsible adult or call the police. Be brave. Be strong. Be safe. Do not be another victim.