Tuesday, September 23, 2014

See You At The Pole

Here at John I. Burton, we participate in a nationwide event called See You At The Pole.

See You At The Pole is an annual gathering of Christian students of all ages at a school flagpole for prayer, scripture reading, and worship during the early morning hours. These rallies are most often sponsored by local churches or local youth ministry networks. At JIB we have a group/club called FCS: Fellowship of Christian Students. At John I. Burton, FCS is sponsored by our own school because it is categorized as a school group.

Every year, this event has a specific verse that they use as a theme. This years verse is Ephesians 6:18, which reads: "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." The 2014 theme verse follows Paul's famous passage on the armor of God, challenging and encouraging Christ followers to stand strong in the Lord and be His representatives to share the good news of the Gospel. 

This annual event is scheduled to take place on September 24, 2014.  On this day, students and faculty members are invited to meet at the flagpole in the front of our school at 7:45 am. There will be a youth leader from a local church who will be presenting music. Prayer will then commence at 8:00 am. Anyone who wants to participate in this event is welcome to come and join our teachers, students and FCS members.