Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Important senior events

Senior Calendar

April 22nd - Cap and gown pictures.
April 26th - Prom.
May 15th - Last day of classes for seniors.
May 16th - Graduation practice/senior picnic.
May 23rd - Graduation at 7:00 PM at the John I. Burton gymnasium. 

*The date for awards day is still pending. 
*Check with your teachers about the dates for senior exams as it varies depending on your classes. 

One more Monday until PROM! 
Four more Mondays until the last week of classes.
 Five more Mondays until the week of Graduation.
Twenty-one school days until the last day of classes.
Twenty-two school days until senior picnic.
Thirty-seven calendar days until graduation.

Class of 2014, we are almost done!