Monday, April 21, 2014

Teacher report: All about Mr. Lobiondo

Mr. Lobiondo's full name is David Brian Lobiondo. He is currently at the young age of 45. Mr. Lobiondo is happily married and currently has one daughter. Mr. Lobiondo was born in Norton, raised in Norton, and still lives in Norton.
Mr. Lobiondo currently teachers Honers English 8 and English 8. He loves teaching and has no intention of leaving us anytime soon. In his class, you read, have group discussions, and complete interesting projects. He may not have field trips but that is no big deal. Mr. Lobiondo does not give favoritism to his good students and treats his difficult students with care and compassion. My experience in his class is definitely one to remember. I feel like I learned so much, and yet I enjoyed his class more than any other class I have taken.

Outside of school, Mr. Lobiondo has done and still does many exiting activities. Besides teaching, he does a lot of work around his house and takes care of his newborn baby. He has traveled to many places. He has traveled overseas to Italy, and in the States he has gone as far north as New York, as far west as Colorado, and as far south as Florida. Growing up, he played football, ran track, and enjoyed the outdoors as much as possible. In football he was a quarterback and linebacker, and in track he was a sprinter. Mr. Lobiondo has lived and is still living a fun and adventurous life.