Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring forward

Top 3 reasons we all hate daylight savings time

1. We lose an hour of sleep.

2. We have to be at school an hour earlier than normal.

3. We lose an hour of sleep. 

Over the weekend, we all set our clocks forward one hour. This is known as daylight savings time. You are probably feeling groggy and disoriented this week; this is because the effects that changing our kitchen and alarm clocks have on our internal clocks. The effect of losing one hour of sleep can make you irritable and somewhat disoriented.

Daylight savings time was started for economic reasons. Since in summer months there is more sunlight in the morning and evening the idea that candle use could be spared if the day started earlier seemed to be the best way to save money... and candles. After electricity, some thought this was a good way to save on energy bills but studies show there has been no significant amount of money saved. Since then, many states have passed bills to try to get rid of daylight savings, but only Alaska and Arizona have been successful so far.

If you're feeling the effects of daylight savings, hang in there. You'll adjust in a day or two.

(Facts derived from: