- Granville P. Meade Scholarship is due to guidance by March 14th.
- Financial Aid Workshop has been rescheduled for Friday, March 21, 2014.
- Santa Train Scholarship due to guidance by March 26th.
- Blankenship / Justice Scholarship due March 31st.
- Attention boys tennis team - Practice will start at 3:45 today at the city park court.
- All juniors or seniors that plan to attend the prom must sign up in the office. See Ms. Becky for the sign up sheet.
- SWAG will meet during lunch on Thursdays in the Band Room.
- The Book Club will meet March 11th immediately after school in Mrs. Bias's room. All members are required to attend.
- Students have raised $431.09 for the "Pie a Teacher" fundraiser. The following teachers will be auctioned off on Pie Day, March 14, 2014: Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Farmer, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Fultz, Mr. Roop, Mr. Walker, Mr. Pierson, Coach Stidham, Coach Smith, Coach Dales, Coach Coffey, Coach Potter, Coach Williams, Mr. Helton. Bring in your extra change to make a bid on March 14, 2014 for the auction!
- The following Forensics members will be advancing to state on March 29, 2014. In the 1-A West Regional tournament: Amber Gentry placed first in storytelling, Jakub Blach and Torie Adams placed third in serious duo, and Olivia Davis and Conner Wharton placed third in humorous duo. Congratulations and good luck at state.
- We will have a blood drive on March 21st from 9-3. Sign up in the office. If you have questions regarding piercings or tattoos, please see Nurse Shannon of Mrs. Sharpe.